Recipe: Perico Venezolano | Venezuelan Scrambled Eggs

24 Jul

Venezuelan scrambled eggs are just like Venezuelans; anything but plain.  Scrambled eggs were too boring, so we incorporated a few things to make them extra special.  Throw some onions and tomatoes, and you’ve got very colorful and tasty scrambled eggs.  I don’t know why do we call these extra special scrambled eggs Perico, but I think it is because perico is the Spanish word for parakeet, and when you add tomatoes to scrambled eggs, they get a red tint to them, just like our parakeets.

When I was a kid, my mom used to make arepas con perico usually on the weekends.  I didn’t like perico when I was a kid, but as an adult I love it.  Especially because with just a few tweaks, like using only the egg whites and no oil, you can make a lighter breakfast.

Ingredients: Perico

Ingredients: Perico

What you need:
– 1/8 C. Oil
– 1 Tbsp. Butter
– ½ C. Onion
– ½ C. Tomato
– ½ Tsp. Salt
– 1/8 Tsp. Pepper
– 3 Eggs

1.  Chop the onion and tomato in small cubes.  It is recommended to take the seeds and skin from the tomato, but… who has time for that on a Saturday morning?  I like tomatoes; skin, seeds, and all.

Chop Onion and Tomato

Chop Onion and Tomato

2.  In a large enough frying pan, add the oil and the butter and heat on medium.  You can skip either the butter OR the oil if you prefer a lighter option.
3.  Add the onion and fry until it browns (about 4 minutes).

Fry Onion

Fry Onion

4.  Add the tomato, salt and pepper, and fry for another 6 to 7 minutes, or until the mixture dries up a bit.

Add Tomato

Add Tomato

5.  Beat the eggs and add them to the mix (you can use egg whites only for a lighter option as well).  Continue frying and mixing for about 3 minutes until the eggs cook thoroughly and become dry, but at the same time keeping it loose and without clumping it together.  You can also add some milk to the beaten eggs to make them fluffier.
6.  Serve hot with arepas… I happened to have some avocado nearby, and it was just the perfect addition to this breakfast for champs.

Perico | Venezuelan Scrambled Eggs

Perico | Venezuelan Scrambled Eggs

Desayuno Venezolano | Venezuelan Breakfast

Desayuno Venezolano | Venezuelan Breakfast

Note:  Perico can be served just like any other scrambled egg dish; with bacon or sausage, and toast.  It can also be served as an arepa filling (relleno de arepa), already inside an arepa. (Avocado addition is great here too… as you can probably tell by now… I love avocado)

Arepa Rellena con Perico | Perico Filled Arepa

Arepa Rellena con Perico | Perico Filled Arepa

Arepa Rellena con Perico | Perico Filled Arepa

Arepa Rellena con Perico | Perico Filled Arepa

*Serves 2

¡Buen Provecho!

5 Responses to “Recipe: Perico Venezolano | Venezuelan Scrambled Eggs”

  1. jaime perez July 29, 2013 at 14:08 #

    Oh my goodness, this is just DELICIOUS The best breakfast ever!

    • mwolowicz July 29, 2013 at 14:32 #


      Jajaja, yes, it is very delicious breakfast… or brunch… or dinner. I could eat it anytime!


  2. dedublinalcielo July 30, 2013 at 01:01 #

    OMG! I love this recipe, years ago I had a friend from Colombia who used to prepare eggs this way and said it was a tipical Colombian recipe, I remember them because the name was so funny! Sometimes I do it because they are really good

    • mwolowicz July 30, 2013 at 13:49 #


      Thank you for visiting the blog, and thank you for your comment. I am glad you enjoyed this recipe. Please come back soon.


  3. Karen Matsu Greenberg November 10, 2016 at 18:20 #

    Hello Venezuelan Cooking!
    Your recipes and photography are great.
    We are creating a cookbook and would like to purchase a high res version of your platted Perico photo. Would you please contact me back?

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