Recipe: Camburcitos Dulces | Venezuelan Sweet Bananas

11 Jan

This recipe is somewhat like the Sweet Plantains recipe, but with a few tweaks.  It is perfect to do when you have a couple of Bananas about to go bad.  They are really tasty.  You could also use as a topping for some toast or even pound cake.



What you need:
– 2 to 4 Bananas
– 1 to 2 Tablespoons Butter
– 1 to 2 Tablespoons Sugar

1. Begin by peeling and cutting your Bananas as you wish.  The smaller you cut them the mushier they will be.  If you are using as a topping you may want them smaller, if you are eating alone you might prefer just cutting them in half.
2. In a frying pan add the butter and melt it.  Then add the Bananas and sugar.

Cut Bananas, Melt Butter, Cook with Sugar Until Caramelized

Cut Bananas, Melt Butter, Cook with Sugar Until Caramelized

3. Cook in medium heat until Bananas shrink and caramelize.
4. Serve hot.

Camburcitos Dulces | Venezuelan Sweet Bananas

Camburcitos Dulces | Venezuelan Sweet Bananas

¡Buen Provecho!

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